Cloud Computing

15 Hours | Rs. 2899.00(+18% GST)
Partnered with

₹ 2599

+18% GST

Buy Now
  • Program Duration : 4 months
  • 30+ Hours of Content
  • 3 Major Projects
  • 1 year Access for Dashboard and Content
  • Project Completion Certificate
  • Internship Offer Letter
  • Internship Completion Certificate


Cloud Computing

Available Seats

2 / 50

Start Date

1st October

Cloud Computing

Check our Projects:

  • A PC/Mobile phone to listen to the live projects

  • A stable internet connection of at least 1Mbps (Recommended: 2 Mbps)

  • Headphone and Microphone

  • A quiet room or surrounding to attend the class.

  • Operating System Fundamentals

  • Networking Fundamentals

  • Virtualization

  • Programming

  • Security

  • Very Basic Prerequisite of online self-paced learning

  • Lifetime access of the LMS

  • Two Months of Industrial Training from scratch to intermediate, comprising of 15 Online Live Sessions

  • Two Months of Project Based Internship with live classes

  • Participation, Project Completion & Internship Certificates from Wissenaire IIT Bhubaneswar & Partnered Companies

  • Understand the basic concepts of cloud computing and the benefits it provides

  • Learn the differences between AWS, Azure, and GCP

  • Understand how to select the right cloud service provider based on business requirements

  • Learn how to design and deploy cloud-based solutions using AWS, Azure, and GCP

  • Learn how to manage and monitor cloud-based solutions using AWS, Azure, and GCP

  • Understand best practices for cloud application development and deployment

  • Understand cloud cost management and optimization
Tools Used:
Blob Storage osmos DB zure DNS Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) RGoogle Cloud Spanner Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS). EC2, Lambda DynamoDB
Project Description
This project aims to demonstrate the process of creating a virtual machine (VM) on Microsoft Azure and utilizing it to host a static website. By leveraging the cloud computing capabilities of Azure, the project will showcase the step-by-step procedure of provisioning a VM, configuring it with the appropriate specifications, and deploying a static website on it. The project will also cover the necessary configurations, such as setting up networking, establishing security measures, and implementing domain mapping. By the end, users will have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage Azure VMs for hosting static websites, enabling them to utilize this knowledge in their own cloud deployments
Partnered Company
WorInWell aims to emerge as the go to place for all our client's emergency medical needs by providing health-related quality guidance round the clock. We strive to be a digital information service provider that streamlines your medical needs during and after the pandemic.
Dennis is a Full stack developer with 5+ years of experience in Web Designing, Development, Deployment and Maintenance of Web Applications and Various Softwares. He is also a passionate Mentor who loves trainings enthusiastic aspirants who want to get the hands dirty in the field of software development. He Primarily specialises in Web Technologies, PHP, Laravel, Java, Multi Cloud Architecture
Key Skills:
HTML PHP Laravel Java Cloud Architecture

Mentors are Industry Experts as well as from the Company whose project you are selected for.

The students will need to dedicate 6 hours in a week towards the project. Consistency is the key, hence we recommend investing 30 minutes per day towards the project.

The last date for registration depends on the number of seats available for the project you are opting for. Since there are students applying for projects from all over hence we will recommend blocking your seat for the project.

The prereq will vary from project to project. You shall be provided all the details as shared by the respective company on your Dashboard.

Since all sessions are recorded and uploaded on the dashboard, you can access them anytime.

The Duration of the internship is 2 months and you will be working on a Real Life Capstone Project.

No, there is no exam before the internship. Instead you need to learn all the prerequisites and submit the live project to get the internship.

The Live sessions are typically hosted in the evenings to accommodate the student’s availability. We shall be notifying you in advance via mail and messages through Telegram. In case if you miss any live classes, the recording of the live session will be uploaded in your dashboard which you can access anytime

Considering the current Global Covid pandemic, the companies are offering an online internship and live project opportunities You shall also be connected with the mentor via your student dashboard where you may raise any project related questions.

Companies offer you a stipend ranging from 5000/- to 15,000/-.The stipend is directly proportional to your performance and completion of project.
Partnered with

₹ 2899.00

+18% GST

Buy Now
  • Program Duration : 4 months
  • 30+ Hours of Content
  • 3 Major Projects
  • 1 year Access for Dashboard and Content
  • Project Completion Certificate
  • Internship Offer Letter
  • Internship Completion Certificate


What you will Earn



What our students say about projects